Friendly Environment For Children Project (FEC Project)

ARCT-Ruhuka in partnership with Kinder nothilfe (KNH) Organization have been implementing Friendly Environment for Children (FEC Project) across GICUMBI District particularly 4 sectors including Byumba, Rukomo, Manyagiro and Rubaya. It’s begun from 2020 to end in February 2024.
This project aims to promote child rights, child participation, child protection and psychosocial support in these sectors through raising awareness on child rights and protection, sexual and reproductive health (SRH) as well as life skills development for prevention as well as response in target beneficiaries. (Self-confidence). The project was also directly work with duty bearers and service providers to further strengthen the child protection structures at community level and remind them about their roles and responsibilities. The project work with families at high risk of child right violation The project is implemented at community level and school level in 9 & 12 years basic education.